
A Ruby ORM for RethinkDB


Persistence API

NoBrainer provides a similar persistence interface compared to other ORMs.

The following methods are available on the Model class:

  • instantiate a new Model instance. Default values are set and attrs is passed to assign_attributes.
  • Model.create(attrs) calls and then save.
  • Model.create!(attrs) calls and then save!.
  • upsert, upsert!, first_or_create and first_or_create!: see below.
  • Model.insert_all([doc1, doc2, ..., docN]) is used for bulk inserts. This method receives a list of hashes, and will not instantiate any models. Instead it passes the documents in bulk to the database to perform efficient writes. If the documents primary keys are left unspecified, the database will assign default UUIDs and insert_all will return the list of generated ids. You may use NoBrainer::Document::PrimaryKey::Generator.generate to generate MongoDB style ids to match the format of model instances.
  • Model.sync is a wrapper for r.sync().

The following predicates are available on a model instance:

  • new_record? returns true if the instance has not yet been persisted.
  • destroyed? returns true if the instance has been destroyed.
  • persisted? returns true if the instance has been persisted and not destroyed.

The following methods are available on a model instance:

  • save returns true if the instance was valid and saved, otherwise false.
  • save? is an alias for save.
  • save! calls save and raises NoBrainer::Error::DocumentInvalid if save returned false.
  • update() calls assign_attributes() and save.
  • update?() is an alias for update().
  • update! calls update and raises NoBrainer::Error::DocumentInvalid if update returned false.
  • delete removes the document from the database without firing the destroy callbacks.
  • destroy fires the destroy callbacks and removes the document from the database.
  • reload removes all instance variables that the instance may have, to nuke any sort of cache. reload then loads a fresh record from the database and calls the initialize() method, which triggers the initialize callbacks. You may pass an option :keep_ivars => true to prevent reload from cleaning up the instance variables.
    A NoBrainer::Error::DocumentNotFound error will be raised if the document can no longer be found.

Note that delete, destroy, or save during updates do not raise if the instance document no longer exists in the database when performing the operation. These methods will silently fail.

NoBrainer never autosaves a model behind the scene. When working with a database that does not support transactions such as RethinkDB, you need to be in full control of when database writes occur. There is therefore no autosave features in NoBrainer and all the writes need to be explicit.

Database writes can also be performed on criteria with update_all(), replace_all(), delete_all and destroy_all. Learn more in the Querying section.


NoBrainer provides an API to fetch and update a record, or create it if not found. This is done atomically. Validations are The usage is shown as below:

instance = Model.upsert(attrs)
unless instance.errors.present?
  # validations failed when creating or updating the instance

instance = Model.upsert!(attrs) # raises when validations fail.

Note that NoBrainer will need to match either the primary key in attrs, or a field that has a uniqueness validator as the upsert uses the first_or_create mechanism as described below.


NoBrainer provides an API to fetch a record, or create a record if not found. This is done atomically. The usage is shown below:

# passing params inline
doc = Model.where(some_condition).first_or_create!(additional_params)

# passing params within a block
doc = Model.where(some_condition).first_or_create! do
  # Only called if where().first was not found.

NoBrainer performs the following stpes:

  1. A lock around some_condition is acquired.
  2. If where(some_condition).first matches a document, the lock is released and the document is returned.
  3. Otherwise, Model.create(some_condition.merge(additional_params)) is performed, and the lock is released right after the persistance operation.

some_condition must match a defined uniqueness validator to enforce the atomicity properly. NoBrainer will provide helpful error message if it cannot find any. This ensure that first_or_create() does not race with any other create() operations.

This API comes in two flavors. first_or_create() does not raise an exception when validation fails, while first_or_create!() does.

Optimized Updates

When using updating a model, NoBrainer uses the dirty tracking information to only update the fields that changed. When no attribute changed, the database update query is skipped, but all callbacks are still executed.