
A Ruby ORM for RethinkDB


Installing the gem

To install the NoBrainer gem, follow these two steps:

1) Add nobrainer in your Gemfile:

# Gemfile
gem 'nobrainer'

2) Run bundle install.

Configuring NoBrainer with Rails

To install NoBrainer in a Rails application, simply run the installer:

$ rails g nobrainer:install

The installer disables ActiveRecord and creates an initializer that configures NoBrainer.

Configuring NoBrainer Manually

NoBrainer can be configured by calling NoBrainer.configure { }. The settings are shown with their default values:

NoBrainer.configure do |config|
  # app_name is the name of your application in lowercase.
  # When using Rails, the application name is automatically inferred.
  # config.app_name = config.default_app_name

  # environment defaults to Rails.env for Rails apps or to the environment
  # variables RUBY_ENV, RAILS_ENV, RACK_ENV, or :production.
  # config.environment = config.default_environment

  # rethinkdb_urls specifies the RethinkDB database connection urls.
  # You may specify multiple urls to provide fault tolerance capabilities.
  # When left unspecified, NoBrainer picks a database connection by default.
  # The default is to use localhost, with a database name matching the
  # application name and the environment.
  # NoBrainer also reads environment variables when defined:
  # * All the above, but with RETHINKDB instead of RDB
  # URLs follow the following convention:
  #    rethinkdb://user:password@host:port/db_name
  # config.rethinkdb_urls = [config.default_rethinkdb_url]

  # ssl_options may be set to {:ca_certs => '/path/to/ca.crt'} to establish
  # an SSL connection to the RethinkDB servers.
  # The options are the same as the one documented at
  # config.ssl_options = nil

  # driver specifies which driver to use. You may use :regular or :em.
  # Use :em if you use EventMachine with em-synchrony.
  # config.driver = :regular

  # NoBrainer uses logger to emit debugging information.
  # The default logger is the Rails logger if run with Rails,
  # otherwise with a WARN level.
  # If the logger is configured with a DEBUG level,
  # then each database query is emitted.
  # config.logger = config.default_logger

  # NoBrainer will colorize the queries if colorize_logger is true.
  # Specifically, NoBrainer will colorize management RQL queries in yellow,
  # write queries in red and read queries in green.
  # config.colorize_logger = true

  # You probably do not want to use both NoBrainer and ActiveRecord in your
  # application. NoBrainer will emit a warning if you do so.
  # You can turn off the warning if you want to use both.
  # config.warn_on_active_record = true

  # Configures the run options passed to when executing queries.
  # The options are listed in the RethinkDB run() documentation.
  # The default durability is :soft for development or test environments, otherwise :hard.
  # config.run_options = { :durability => config.default_durability }

  # Configures the default table configuration options. These values are
  # reflected to the database when running `rake nobrainer:sync_schema'.
  # config.table_options = \
  #   { :shards => 1, :replicas => 1, :write_acks => :majority }

  # Persisted Strings have a configurable maximum length. To get rid of the
  # length validation, you may use the Text type instead.
  # config.max_string_length = 255

  # user_timezone can be configured with :utc, :local, or :unchanged.
  # When reading a Time attribute from a model, the timezone of that attribute
  # is set according to the following setting.
  # config.user_timezone = :local

  # db_timezone can be configured with :utc, :local, or :unchanged.
  # When writing a Time attribute into the database, the timezone of that
  # attribute is set according to the following setting.
  # config.db_timezone = :utc

  # Default options used when compiling geo queries.
  # config.geo_options = { :geo_system => 'WGS84', :unit => 'm' }

  # Configures which mechanism to use in order to perform non-racy uniqueness
  # validations. More about this behavior in the Distributed Locks section.
  # config.distributed_lock_class = "NoBrainer::Lock"

  # Configures the default timing lock options.
  # config.lock_options = { :expire => 60, :timeout => 10 }

  # Instead of using a single connection to the database, You can tell
  # NoBrainer to spin up a new connection for each thread. This is
  # useful for multi-threading usage such as Sidekiq.
  # Call NoBrainer.disconnect before a thread exits, otherwise you will have
  # a resource leak, and you will run out of connections.
  # Note that this is solution is temporary, until we get a connection pool.
  # config.per_thread_connection = false

  # The machine id is used to generate primary keys. The default one is seeded
  # with the machine IP with Socket.gethostname.
  # The env variable MACHINE_ID can also be used to set the machine id.
  # When using distinct machine_id, then primary keys are guaranteed to be
  # generated without conflicts.
  # config.machine_id = config.default_machine_id

  # Criteria cache documents. For example, the result of a has_many association
  # is cached. The per criteria cache is disabled if it grows too big to avoid
  # out of memory issues.
  # config.criteria_cache_max_entries = 10_000