
A Ruby ORM for RethinkDB


NoBrainer caches data in three places:

  1. Criteria instances only cache data when enumerating items. Whenever a list of documents is retrieved on a criteria (e.g. each or map), the list is stored in the criteria’s cache, and all subsequent calls to first, last, count, to_a, each hit the cache instead of the database. However, the cache is killed when using reload, update_all, destroy_all or delete_all on the criteria instance.
  2. Associations are cached. Once the target of the association is retrieved, subsequent calls will return the same documents without hitting the database again. Note that a has_many association behaves like a criteria, and thus the rule #1 applies.
  3. Eager loading associations will prepopulate the corresponding association caches.

These are the only places where NoBrainer will cache documents. NoBrainer does not use an identity map.

Let’s see an example:

criteria = Model.all # New criteria instance.
criteria.first       # Calls the database.
criteria.first       # Calls the database again.
criteria.each { }    # We are enumerating.
criteria.first       # Does not call the database.
Model.all.first      # Calls the database, this is a new criteria instance.
Model.delete_all     # Everything is gone.
criteria.first       # Does not call the database, and returns the
                     # same document as before.
criteria.reload      # Kills the cache, does not perform a database query.
criteria.first       # Calls the database and returns nothing.
criteria.first       # Calls the database again and returns nothing.

Chaining a criteria always returns a new instance. For example criteria.limit(10000) will return a new criteria instance with an empty cache. Nevertheless, chaining eager_load() will carry the cache over when present, and will eager load missing documents on top of the existing caches.

Calling first or count repeatedly on the same criteria without having enumerated items beforehand will always trigger a database call.

If you do not want to use the cache, you can chain without_cache in the criteria. This will ensure to never use the cache on that criteria. You may chain with_cache to turn it back on.

When iterating a criteria, its cache can be automatically turned off when it grows too big, which may happen when iterating very large tables. When a cache reaches 10,000 elements (configurable with config.criteria_cache_max_entries), the cache is flushed and disabled to prevent out of memory issues.