
A Ruby ORM for RethinkDB


Declaring Validators

Validations works the same way as in ActiveRecord because NoBrainer reuses the ActiveModel validation logic. If you are not familiar with how validations typically operate, please read the following documentation: ActiveRecord validations.
However, there are a some differences with the associated validator and the uniqueness validator, which are explained below.

There are six ways to declare validations with NoBrainer:

  • validate_presence_of :field_name
  • validates :field_name1, :field_name2, :presence => true
  • validate { errors.add(:base, "too many friends") if too_many_friends? }
  • field :field_name, :validates => { :presence => true }
  • Using shorthands as described below.
  • Using types: field :field_name, :type => Integer. This will validate that the given field is an integer. Read more about the type checking mechanism in the Types section.



You may use the required shorthand to specify a presence validator, except with Boolean types for which a not_null validator is used instead.

class Model
  field :name, :required => true
  field :admin, :type => Boolean, :required => true
# Equivalent to:
class Model
  field :name, :validates => { :presence => true }
  field :admin, :type => Boolean, :validates => { :not_null => true }


You may use the uniq (or unique) shorthand to specify a uniqueness validator:

class Model
  field :email, :uniq => true
  field :name,  :uniq => {:scope => :team}
# Equivalent to:
class Model
  validates_uniqueness_of :email
  validates_uniqueness_of :name, :scope => :team

NoBrainer provides race-free semantics with uniqueness validators. You may read more about it below.


You may use the in shorthand to specify an inclusion validator:

class Model
  field :state, :in => %w(start finish)
# Equivalent to:
class Model
  field :state, :validates => { :inclusion => { :in => %w(start finish) } }


You may use the format shorthand to specify a format validator:

class Model
  field :name, :format => /\A[a-z]+\z/
# Equivalent to:
class Model
  field :name, :validates => { :format => { :with => /\A[a-z]+\z/ } }


You may use the length, min_length, max_length shorthand to specify a length validator:

class Model
  field :field1, :length => (3..5)
  field :field2, :min_length => 4
  field :field3, :max_length => 10
# Equivalent to:
class Model
  field :field1, :validates => { :length => (3..5) }
  field :field2, :validates => { :length => { :minimum => 4 } }
  field :field3, :validates => { :length => { :maximum => 10 } }

When are validations performed?

Validations are performed on:

Validations are performed when calling the following methods on an instance:

  • create
  • create!
  • save
  • save!
  • update
  • update!

If you want to bypass validations, you may pass the :validate => false option to these methods, which can be quite handy in a development console. Do not use such thing in your actual code.

The ! version of these methods raise a NoBrainer::Error::DocumentInvalid exception when validation fails. If left uncaught in a Rails controller, a 422 status code will be returned. The vanilla versions populate the errors array attached to the instance. save() and update() return true or false depending if the validations failed. When using create(), you may call persisted? to check if the model was valid and persisted.

Validations are not performed on:

  • Validations are not performed when updating all documents matching a criteria, such as Model.update_all().
  • Attribute validations are not run when their corresponding attribute have not changed (through dirty tracking).

Presence Validations on belongs_to Associations

Foreign keys in belongs_to associations are always validated when the foreign key is present. If you wish to disable this behavior, you may pass validates => false on the association declaration.

Additionally, you may add a presence validator as such:

class Comment
  belongs_to :post, :required => true

The Uniqueness Validator

The uniqueness validator ensures that a field value can be present at most once table wide.

When working with traditional ORMs, the uniqueness validator is known to be racy: two concurrent requests may both pass the validation, and both could persist successfully the same supposedly unique field. Uniqueness validators are useful in conjunction with unique secondary indexes. Since RethinkDB is a sharded database, implementing unique secondary indexes is a performance problem, and so the RethinkDB team rightfully decided not to implement them. To properly ensure uniqueness with RethinkDB, one must either leverage the primary key uniqueness guarantee, or use a distributed lock. For this reason, NoBrainer uses its implementation of distributed locks to ensure race-free semantics.

The locks are acquired after the before_create/update callbacks, and before the after_create/update callbacks. NoBrainer alpha sorts the keys to be acquired to avoid deadlock issues when performing multiple uniqueness validations on the same document. For performance reasons, NoBrainer only performs uniqueness validations when the involved fields change.

Using scopes

The uniqueness validator accept a :scope option which can be a field, or an array of fields. For example:

class TeamMember
  field :team_name
  # Do not allow duplicate emails within a team.
  field :email, :validates => {:uniqueness => {:scope => :team_name}}

It is highly recommended that you add a presence validator on the scoped fields, because RethinkDB considers nil and undefined to be two different things.

Differences with ActiveModel

Associated Validator

The associated validator is not implemented.

Uniqueness Validator

The uniqueness validator does not accept the :case_sensitive option. Downcasing the attribute in a before_save/validation callback is a better idea.

NotNull Validator

NoBrainer supports an additional validator not_null. It rejects undefined and nil values.