NoBrainer is an ORM for RethinkDB. The goal of NoBrainer is to provide a similar interface compared to ActiveRecord and Mongoid to build data models on top of RethinkDB while providing precise semantics. Nevertheless, NoBrainer breaks a couple of established patterns to provide a consistent API. You may read more about these differences in the next section.
NoBrainer was created by Nicolas Viennot and is maintained by Guillaume Hain.
NoBrainer depends on a couple of things:
- The RethinkDB database.
- NoBrainer runs on Ruby MRI 2.x.
- NoBrainer does not depend on Rails, but plays nicely with Rails 4 and Rails 5.
- NoBrainer depends on the
gems. These dependencies are automatically pulled in when you install thenobrainer
Roadmap & Changelog
Latest gem version: 0.42.0 – Jun. 15, 2022.
master branch:
Follow the Roadmap and read the Changelog.
Quick Start
The following assume you are using a Rails application, and that you are running a RethinkDB instance locally.
To install NoBrainer, add the nobrainer
gem in your Gemfile
and bundle install
# Gemfile
gem 'nobrainer'
When using NoBrainer with Rails, NoBrainer comes with a set of default settings that allow you to start using NoBrainer right away without making any further configuration or database migrations.
Declare a model in app/models/user.rb
class User
include NoBrainer::Document
field :name
field :email
In a Rails console, you can create models which will be persisted to the database:
User.create(:name => 'Nico', :email => '')
User.count # returns 1
A Rails application example using NoBrainer can be found here.